Removing Body Moles – The Best Ways to Do It

The subject of removing body moles can be a touchy one. Many people have moles in places that they would rather not mention, and even have moles that are downright embarrassing. When moles on the body affect our self-confidence or are just simply irritating, it may be a good time to think about having them removed.

As body moles vary in shape, size, and sensitivity, the best way to remove them depends on the different attributes a mole may have. Some people turn to clinical methods, others use natural methods. Both are effective, but remember that each treatment has their own specific outcome.

Some of the more popular clinical treatments include the following:

  1. Freezing the mole

During this procedure, liquid nitrogen is applied to the mole by spraying it directly or applying it with a cotton swab. The liquid nitrogen is stored at extremely low temperatures (-320 degrees Celsius) and is effectively used for destroying the pigmented mole cells. There is typically a 2-3 healing process that follows as the body moles meaning gets blistered, and eventually scabs.

  1. Cutting out (excising)

This surgical procedure involves removing body moles by cutting out the affected tissue, often in an oval shape. The depth and width of the excision depends on the depth and width of the mole itself. After the tissue is removed, the wound is stitched up. This is a typical treatment for moles that are thought to be cancerous.

  1. Burning off (cauterizing)

This follows the excision procedure initially, but only cuts into the mole cells which are burned with a cauterizing tool, acting as a burn-suture to prevent bleeding. There is a high tendency for resulting scars from this procedure.

  1. Laser Removal

Laser removal is much less prone to leave behind scars. However, it is typically more expensive as it often requires multiple treatments to remove body moles. It works great for surface moles, but deep-rooted moles require a more thorough treatment than laser removal.

Each of the above clinical procedures require close watch for up to 3 weeks after completed. It is very important that you follow your physicians advice on how to take care of the affected area with antibiotics as it heals. It is imperative that you do this in order to minimize risks of scarring.