Fish Tank Aquariums – A Little World of Light and Water

Fish are a popular choice when it comes to pets. Fish do not have hair, so they can’t shed on the carpet or upholstery. Fish cannot scratch, or bite; unless, of course, you put yourself in the fish tank aquarium water. Best of all, they are quiet and definitely do not keep the neighbors up at night!

Pet fish require relatively less food, compared to larger pet animals like cats and dogs. Tropical fish, the most beautiful type, come in a full palette of colors and shapes. A well-kept home fish tank aquarium beautifies any room, and is sure to attract attention. Yet the most common reason why people have home aquariums for pet fish is simple: fish are calming.

In their little world of light and water, fish swim about endlessly. Whether the plants or rocks you but into the aquarium are real or fake, the fish will use them to play the games that only fish can do. Their quiet presence and carefree behavior have a profound relaxing effect on people. Some people spend hours just watching the fish in their home aquariums. Such entertainment surely makes keeping a home aquarium a worthwhile endeavor!

Fish Tank Aquarium tanks are watertight receptacles made of either glass or clear plastics, and come in a range of sizes. Some are small bowls, for one or two small fish. They can go up to 55 gallon fish tanks, capable of holding a small ecosystem within the confines of four glass walls (plus a bottom). Wall aquariums have enjoyed rising popularity in recent times. Wall aquariums are not as wide as home aquariums on fish tank stands, but they can be hung up on a wall using sturdy supports. Wall aquariums are novel and attractive, and can become the focal point of any living space. Large home aquariums and wall aquariums will often require fish tank filters, to keep the water clean longer. Air pumps will keep the water’s oxygen levels in a range suitable for fish life. Fish tank stands are useful for displaying.

Your choice of tank will slightly affect the type of fish you can keep. The number of fish will certainly be limited by the size of your planned home aquarium. Sand, rocks, and plants, as well as novelty aquarium props should also be selected carefully. Be warned that tropical fish while the most visually engaging, are more expensive. It also follows that tropical fish supplies are more expensive than marine fish supplies or freshwater fish supplies. Most of all, remember to have fun as you plan and choose your home aquarium!

Research before choosing your fish. Different fish have different needs, and some fish are extremely sensitive to their living conditions. Salinity, temperature, brightness, oxygen saturation, as well as fish compatibilities are things you should know early on. After all, you don’t want your fish to die or start eating each other. Once you’ve set up your aquarium, remember to clean it regularly. Don’t put too much fish food when you feed your pets, as excess food is not eaten and makes the water dirty. Fish do poop, and this also makes the water dirty. For sensitive fish, monitor and maintain temperature and salinity levels. Finally, turn off the lights once in a while. Fish need sleep as much as you do!

Take care of your fish, and they will allow you to watch their world — calm, serene, and filled with light and water.

Andy Cruz is a dedicated aquarium hobbyist. His website at [] offers a variety of high quality, low cost fish tank aquariums and supplies. After spending years helping friends setup their home and business aquariums he has decided to share his knowledge with you online at []

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