Simple Tips To A Successful Jack Russell Training

Some people go through a lot of frustration with Jack Russell training. Jack Russell dogs are known as intelligent working dogs but why do some people go through all this trouble. Maybe some are thinking that they got the wrong breed. Perhaps you haven’t thought that the problem is not with your dog but with you. Some dog owners do not realize that why they are having trouble with their Jack Russell training is because they do not have enough information as to how this training should be done Puppy socialization Houston.

Below are training tips to guide Jack Russell owners or those who are still thinking of getting a Jack Russell. Your Jack Russell’s behavior is in your hands so learn and watch your dog transform into a nicely trained dog.

  • Early training

Train your puppy as soon as he comes home for the first time. Breeders usually allow puppies to be taken home at eight weeks of age. You can start with the basic pet obedience training such as “sit”, “down”, “stay” and “come”.

Other more advanced formal training will follow because of their intelligence and the way they respond to challenges the training brings.

  • Positive Reinforcement

The use of positive reinforcement is a widely used method to train dogs. Praising a dog after he has performed a command will make him understand that he is rewarded because he has done something good.

Giving of food treats or toys usually motivates the dog to perform the command given to him. But you should know the difference between a reward and a bribe. Bribery, when it comes to dog training means that you are bribing the dog to perform a command. When this is often dog, he will later refuse to follow commands when he can not see the reward. In order not to bribe your dog, you should not let him see the treat before giving a command. Show and give the reward only when he has already complied with the command.

  • Avoid punishment

As much as possible, do not punish your dog if he has done something that you do not like. Just like for example when you discover pile of feces beside your new living room couch. Rubbing his nose in his mess will just confuse him. He might actually think that he is being punished because he did his business. To deal with this problem, simply ignore him every time he accidentally dropped his bomb in a wrong place. Your behavior will make him understand that what he did won’t get your attention and he will eventually stop doing it.

  • Next Level

Once you have accomplished the basic training, don’t just stop there. As what has been said, Jack Russell Terriers are highly intelligent and energetic dogs. It can even respond to agility training thus consistent and progressing training is encouraged.

You should have to treat your dog the way he should be treated. Do not think that he thinks and should act the same way as you do because your dog is not human. Dogs, though how intelligent, don’t see things the way humans do. Your patience is important. You should always remember that…

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