Things You Should Know About Boxer Dogs

Looking to learn a thing or two about boxer dogs? You have definitely came to the right place. Boxer training is essentially the key to a happy boxer puppy and a satisfied boxer owner (which is you!). When adopting a boxer puppy the first thing you should look into is crate training, housebreaking, and of course, stop that excessive chewing and biting Pet hotel Houston.

Boxers are intelligent dogs, and sometimes, your boxer will try to outsmart you and get his way. If he’s successful, he becomes the pack leader, and you’re the pack member. So in other words, your boxer will be running the show and won’t listen to any of your commands.

Now, there’s no need to get mad at your little one – it’s in his natural instincts to assume the role of the “leader” if no one else has. You just need to properly establish good understanding that you’re the leader and the humans have the right of way, the humans eat first, the humans walk out the door first, the humans sleep above, and so on!

I’m sure every boxer owner wishes to have a great relationship with their puppy, right? I mean I always did and every boxer owner I knew. But do you achieve such a level of obedience that your boxer will do everything you say with absolutely no hesitation?

How would you like to improve your boxer’s behavior and obedience, put a stop to many annoying problems like constant barking, chasing the cats, chewing on the carpet, shoes, sofa, constant biting, playing too rough with kids, and boy, pooping and peeing in the house!

The bad news is, a lot of boxer training information out there is completely useless or incomplete. But the good news is that I have exactly what you’re looking for.

A lot of people right now will ask “But don’t I need a professional trainer to achieve such a level of obedience?” The answer to that question is absolutely not! Ask around boxer owners that have a genuinely obedient boxer if they hired a professional trainer to achieve such results. In most cases you’d be surprised to find that they trained their boxer dogs themselves. As a matter of fact, it’s encouraged that you take boxer training to your own hands to build a strong connection and a relationship that every boxer owner should have with their boxers (which so many don’t).

Professional trainers use the method of fear as their obedience factor in order to make your boxer obey for a short period of time. But if you genuinely want an obedient boxer puppy in your home then please, save the hundreds (and thousands) of dollars on training classes. Everything that you need to know about raising a healthy, happy, and obedient boxer is included in Boxer Obedience Training Guide book. The book does not utilize any fear methods, abusive training devices, harsh punishments, hitting, yelling, smacking, choking, or anything alike. Learn more on how to train boxer dogs.

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