5 medicinal plants and what they are for: self-care in the pharmacy

Medicinal plants, the main ingredients of most food supplements, have been used for hundreds of years in practically all cultures to treat minor ailments and improve health. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends its use and encourages its inclusion in the health systems of its member countries. In this article we show you 10 medicinal plants and what they are used for self-care in the pharmacy Sananga.

The 10 most effective medicinal plants and what they are for
The consumption of medicinal plants and products of natural origin as an alternative treatment has experienced a very significant increase in recent years , being used for preventive, curative purposes and even in combination with other drugs to enhance their effectiveness.

It is essential that pharmacies and pharmacists are very up to date on the latest developments , possibilities and possible contraindications of products of natural origin .

Only in this way will they be able to carry out their new role as comprehensive health centers with guarantees , enhance the well-being of their patients and offer them appropriate advice so that they can practice self-care , a key aspect in the sustainability and efficiency of the health system.

Below we highlight the main medicinal plants and what they are for . Keep reading!

  1. Ortosifón, the ideal complement for diets
    Ortosifón or java tea is a medicinal plant rich in Flavonoids, potassium salts, essential oils, terpenes, inositol, phytosterols, caffeic acid and derivatives.

Its main use is as a drainer , so it is especially indicated to combat fluid retention . This property means that it is widely used in combination with slimming diets to optimize results.

Other benefits of medicinal plants are:

Increased diuresis.
Washing therapeutics.
Treatment of diseases of a bacterial and inflammatory nature of the urinary excretory tract.
To eliminate grit in the kidneys.
Control of blood pressure.
Cholesterol regulation.

  1. Valerian, the great ally against stress
    Valeriana officinalis L. It is a medicinal plant belonging to the Valerianaceae family . The underground organs (rhizomes, roots and stolons) are used for the treatment of neurotonic states , especially in cases of anxiety and sleep disorders .

Without a doubt its most famous property is its ability to relax us , relieve stress , reduce anxiety and help us fall asleep. Other benefits of medicinal plants are:

Reduce mild tremors.
Relieve headache . _
Improve menstruation pain .

  1. Artichoke, a classic remedy to protect and care for the liver
    The artichoke ( Cynara scolymus ) has been used for a long time to prevent liver diseases and provide additional protection , taking advantage of this plant’s ability to stimulate the secretion of bile as it is a very powerful acid.

The artichoke contains cynarin phytosterols, inulin, mucilage, B complex vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, iron or potassium.

Due to its purifying properties, it helps eliminate toxins and reduce blood lipids, contributes to normal energy metabolism and reduces fatigue. That is why it is used in natural healthy weight control products.

  1. Lavender, guarantee of sweet dreams
    Lavender belongs to the Lamiaceae family and, although it stands out for repelling mosquitoes very effectively , its priority uses are related to sleeping problems or reducing stress . This would be the compendium of its main benefits:

It enhances sleep quality .
Helps deal with stressful situations .
Promotes blood circulation .
Helps heal wounds better.

  1. Ginkgo, the students’ companion
    On the other hand, Ginkgo biloba is a plant from the Ginkgoaceae family that has various active ingredients with biological and pharmacological activity . Its composition is as follows: 24% flavonoids, 6% terpenoids, 5-10% organic acids and less than 5% flavonoid-based polymers.

Ginkgo or Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest medicinal plants in Asia, used profusely since ancient times by:

Its excellent antioxidant properties , which delays aging.
Its ability to improve concentration .
Its effectiveness in enhancing memory .
Currently, the uses of Ginkgo have expanded, being used as a stabilizer of the neuronal membrane in patients who have suffered a stroke , for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and for people with psychomotor problems.

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