Tips to get subscribers on YouTube

More and more brands are discovering the best tips to get subscribers on YouTube. Something essential to succeed in one of the digital spaces with the most users. In fact, YouTube is one of the social networks that has the highest number of subscribers comments go.

Millions of people access this platform daily to listen to music, consult a tutorial or watch the latest video from their favorite YouTubers.

If you are a Youtuber or a company with a channel on this social network, you will know that subscribers are essential for the development and evolution of the channels . However, it is not always easy for the number of people subscribed to your channel to increase.

13 of the best tips to get subscribers on YouTube

If you are looking for methods to increase the number of followers of your channel, below you can consult some of the easiest tips to get subscribers on YouTube. You can put most of them into practice today.

1.- Structure your YouTube channel properly
If you have not yet created the channel or want to completely renew it, the main thing is to plan and organize it. It is essential to have a plan that includes each of the videos you are going to publish. Only in this way will you maintain the coherence of your YouTube channel.

Hence, it is vital that you personalize all those aspects that you can :

Profile picture.
The featured videos.
The thumbnails of the videos.
The descriptions.

A concordance between all the files in the channel will help create a single meaning. And it will allow you to retain your subscribers. Remember that it is the way to differentiate yourself from the rest of the existing channels.

2.- An attractive beginning of the video
Another of the essential tips to get subscribers on YouTube has to do with the creation of the videos. YouTubers know that the first 8 seconds of the video are the most important. If you manage to attract the viewer’s attention during this time, their views will increase.

Therefore, to attract potential subscribers, the ideal is that the first seconds are not monotonous. Avoid introductions. It is better to be direct and show the viewer what he wants to see from the beginning .

The beginning of the video is just as important as its end. The person who has seen it must be left wanting to see more. One of the interesting methods is to include original endings: outtakes, surprises or a bonus could be a good option.

3.- You will need good recording equipment
An aspect that some brands do not give the importance to is taking care of the quality of their productions. It is important to invest time and resources to create good quality videos . Without it, it will be difficult to attract new subscribers.

To do this, you must have the appropriate equipment that allows for perfect recording. Some of the elements that will define the success of a channel are:

A good camera.
Sound system. Or, at least, a microphone that helps the sound be adequate.
A lighting equipment that allows you to control that everything looks perfect.
For editing, it is important to have a good editor to provide added value to the video in post-production.

4.- Publish videos periodically
When a person subscribes to a YouTube channel they are looking for added value. And that there is a minimum continuity. It is difficult for someone to subscribe to a channel where a video is published every year. Therefore, brands must understand that the ideal is to include at least one video weekly on your channel.

Additionally, if you follow the routine of including a video weekly on your YouTube channel, you will create a greater number of searchable files . So it will be easier for them to find you on this social network.

5.- Take care of the title of the videos
Another tip to get subscribers on YouTube focuses on the title of the video. It is important that when a user searches, your video appears among the first. That is why we must forget about original titles.

It is best to focus on SEO-focused titles . To achieve this you need to have an analysis of the keywords that interest you . And see which of them are among the most relevant search terms on YouTube. When you get the match you will already have the terms that should be in your titles and descriptions.

6.- Give your community a name
The best tip to get subscribers on YouTube is to lay the foundations for it to become a community. That way, the subscribers themselves and the topic will attract new followers interested in what you publish.

And if you can make it visible, even better. For example, great YouTubers address their followers with a nickname or greeting. Giving followers a name creates a feeling of belonging to those people who are already part of the channel . In addition, there will be people who want to feel part of the group and, therefore, will also end up subscribing to the channel.

7.- Promote your account outside of YouTube
YouTube should not be the only place where videos should appear. It is important to advertise the channel to attract new subscribers. One of the simplest methods is to create accounts on other social networks that serve to boost what you publish on YouTube. These accounts may be related and include similar content.

You can also ask your acquaintances to share your videos on their social media spaces. This way you can reach an even wider audience.

Other options may be to mention your video in the comments of other YouTube videos. If, for example, you cover a song, you can put the video link in the comments of the official publication of said song.

8.- Subtitle the videos in other languages
Once you have an abundant number of videos on the channel, you should try to expand the type of subscribers. But, in many cases, the language of the publication is a barrier. Therefore, the next of the tips to get subscribers on YouTube is to translate the videos into other languages.

English, Spanish and German are some of the most popular languages ​​on the social network. Translating or subtitling the most popular videos on your channel will allow you to broaden your horizons and gain subscribers from other countries.

9.- Get mentions on other websites
As has been made clear previously, it is important to promote your channel outside of YouTube. Another way to get subscribers is to relate it to other products. For example, entering comments on products on other pages to relate them to your videos.

And this, regardless of the type of channel you have: music, cooking, DIY tips,… So, if, for example, your channel is about cooking and you use a set of knives, you can include a comment by linking the video in the ecommerce of the mark of the knives.

10.- Take advantage of labels
It is important to define the content that is included in the channel. Something you can get with labels. If you use the appropriate tags it will be much easier for interested people to find what they are looking for. And, again, you must take into account the keywords, which must also be part of the tags .

11.- Seek interaction with subscribers
Another tip to get subscribers on YouTube is to interact with the channel’s followers . For example, knowing their opinion will help you retain subscribers.

The easiest way to do this is by encouraging them to include a comment on your videos. Subscribers can give ideas about new content or changes you can make to the channel. Furthermore, if you listen to them, they will feel part of the channel and will be more interested in learning about the new content that you upload.

Other options to achieve user participation are:

Offer benefits for them to subscribe to your channel.
Create a giveaway among subscribers.
Commit to doing something if you reach a specific number of followers.
At the end of all videos, encourage people who have seen it to subscribe to your channel. You can do it by talking or including a sign, for example.

12.- Do a continuous evaluation of the channel
It is important to carry out a permanent analysis of your channel. You must monitor how it is evolving and what changes are occurring. One of the tools you should use for this is YouTube Analytics.

From this space you can find out the number of people who are following you, how many have unfollowed you and which are the most popular videos.

If you take into account the evolution shown by the analysis, you will be able to focus new content on those that are of greatest interest to subscribers. Additionally, this will allow you to focus your profile to reach more people and attract new subscribers.

13.- Associate with YouTubers
In this social video network there are more and more YouTubers. One of the methods to get more followers is to associate with some of them. Influencer marketing has proven its usefulness. Therefore, if you manage to associate yourself with the right YouTubers, the number of subscribers will increase.

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