At the end of the 19th century, the first truly scientific experiments began with an objective and materialistic spirit, quantitatively measuring the physiological effects of sound waves. Some of the conclusions of these investigations are:

  • Musical rhythm has an influence on cardiac function, respiratory rate, blood pressure and endocrine function Reiki certification.
  • Sound causes changes in the electrical pathways of the body-
  • Causes changes in the metabolism and biosynthesis of various enzymatic processes.
  • Stimulates the Thalamus and the cortex, allowing contact through music with patients who lack verbal contact due to a confusional, autistic, hallucinatory or depressive episode.
  • Certain sounds make the Pituitary gland vibrate through resonance, responsible for controlling the synthesis of numerous hormones and related to temporal-spatial orientation.
  • Sound is attributed with an exciting, calming and harmonizing effect on the entire organism.

It works on 3 levels:

  • The sound-musical : through the emission of vocal sounds, instrumental improvisations, and the listening of packaged sounds or music-
  • The corporal: rhythms and movements of the body, gestures and postures-
  • The verbal: words and reflections that arise from non-verbal experience.

The most recognized Methods in Music Therapy are:

  • Creative music therapy, by Americans Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins.
  • Psychoanalytically oriented music therapy, by the Englishwoman Mary Priestley.
  • The “Benenzon Model” of music therapy, by the Argentine Rolando Benenzon.
  • GIM music therapy (guided imaginary and music), by North American Helen Ronny.

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