The Importance of Playtime With Your Child

Research has continuously shown that a child’s playtime with their parents will create a better foundation for their social life in the future, as will as give them the upper hand when it comes to succeeding in education.

A child associates trust and role modeling as an important factor within their early age. What a parent does during an adolescents crucial development time can and will affect their entire life. Studies show that most children desire more time with their parents because it uplifts them to feel unique and desired themselves. Unlike when a child plays with a friend or alone, a child simply feels much more comfortable when they are around their parents. Playing with your kids at an early age will fortify a strong bond that will last a lifetime.

Kids just need to be loved and appreciated. If you give a child what he or she may need, it will open the door to a trustful relationship when they get older (such as when they are a teenager).

Now Try it out:

A common activity that is recommended and practiced by most psychologists is simply drawing in coloring books with your child. Psychologists have used this technique to get children to open their bond and trust connectivity for decades.christian therapist

1) Start by going to ColoringFinder (see below) to easily find and print coloring books. There are over 500 topics to choose from, each categorized based on Cartoons, Animals, Educational, and special holidays and many other topics.

2) Go to Crayola to pick up a set of crayons. Although you can use markers or colored pencils, we find crayons to be best because they are a less of a mess than markers, and you don’t have to sharpen them. We recommend picking up atleast 48 set as there are more blends of colors to choose from.

3) Once you have printed an assortment of topics from ColoringFinder from your home printer, it is time to get your child interested in doing a coloring activity. You do not want to force your child to start coloring but rather give him or her an invitation. A good way to do this is to set out a bunch of coloring pages on a table and scatter crayons on the table. This will give the child the idea that you are on your own playtime as well. If you simply start coloring, you will see that your child will be interested in coloring as well (through the process of rolemodeling).

4) Use this coloring time to show your child different techniques. A child at early adolescence soaks up information like a sponge. The main goal of this activity is to teach the child creativity, problem solving, social learning , and patience to make the best coloring books.

5) After the activity is finished encourage your child to help you clean up. The key is for the child to understand that he is a helper rather than a cleaner upper.

Some Tips:

A child is more responsive to learning when it has become a game rather than an educational activity. Choose a coloring book based on your child’s interest. Let your child draw his favorite cartoons or his favorite animals. Children also seem to be really fond of abstract and Mandala coloring books.

If you doing a coloring activity with your child, a good tip is to outline the edges of the lines with a dark color, and fill in the insides with lighter colors. (This will give your colorings a more 3D effect and your child will want to learn your techniques.) If you want to give constructive critiscm keep it constructive! Children have strong emotions and will take it personally. Never scold but instead appraise your child for their drawings.

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