How to check translation quality control

Translation quality control involves the use of one or more basic techniques to test translations. Translation is like any other discipline; You will find people who are better than others. However, it is important that professional translators can carry out quality control so that the final project is error-free. So, we tell you some techniques to do it traduzioni giurate online.

The first is simple: your own review of the translation will be important so that you can compare it with the original text. While you may subconsciously overlook mistakes because they are mistakes you make in a blind spot, this technique at least catches simple , conceptual mistakes you can make when working on something a little at a time.

Comprehension tests
This simple test can be very useful to verify translation quality control . A person who is fluent in the target language reads a section of the translation and is then asked to describe what she has read. If they have difficulty, or if they cannot reconstruct the meaning of the text, then there is obviously a problem.

Readability tests
In this test, the same exercise is performed: a fluent speaker is asked to read the translation , only this time it is read aloud. The metric here is how easy it is for them to read your work. Every stumble, hesitation, or point of confusion is carefully noted. The goal is to have no rough spots where a fluent speaker stumbles.

Naturalness tests
The final test can be useful, but it is a little more difficult to define. What you are asking a fluent reader to do is read the translation and take note of any parts that seem unnatural. However, a trained tester is needed to be able to do this effectively.

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